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1 - 16 of 16 plants

Plant Selections

Rosemary 'Prostrate'

Botanical Name

Rosmarinus officinalis Prostrata

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

52 in stock


Woody stemmed, low growing, green foliaged shrub with aromatic needle-like foliage and beautiful blue flowers.

Dwarf Grey Honeymyrtle 'Melaleuca incana nana'

Botanical Name

Melaleuca incana Nana

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

38 in stock

Original price was: $7.70.Current price is: $6.00.

Small native tree with weeping blue-grey foliage and profusion of fluffy yellow flowers produced in Spring

Saltbush 'Rhagodia Spinescens'

Botanical Name

Rhagodia spinescens

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

66 in stock


Small, native shrub with silvery, grey triangular foliage.

Escallonia 'Apple Blossom'

Botanical Name

Escallonia langleyensis Apple Blossom

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

44 in stock


A graceful plant with arching branclets growing 1.5 m high x 1m wide. Deep glossy green leaves with masses of pinkish-white flowers opening from pink buds flowering from late Spring through to early Autumn.

Syzygium paniculatum Backyard Bliss

Botanical Name

Syzygium paniculatum Backyard Bliss

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

1 in stock


Dense, glossy green leaved native shrub with coppery new growth. Great for hedging, doesn't need a lot of pruning and is fast growing. Lovely clean, psyllid free appearance.

Callistemon 'Little John'

Botanical Name

Callistemon viminalis Little John

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

20 in stock


Spectacular little native, dwarf bottlebrush with dark red flower brushes and attractive blue-grey soft foliage.

Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf'

Botanical Name

Myoporum parvifolium' Fine Leaf'

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

48 in stock

Original price was: $7.70.Current price is: $6.00.

Native, dense low matting groundcover that makes a great weed suppressant. Prostrate shrub with glossy green leaves.

Round Leaf Mint Bush 'Prostanthera Rotundifolia'

Botanical Name

Prostanthera rotundifolia

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

66 in stock

Original price was: $7.70.Current price is: $6.00.

Medium evergreen native shrub with small round aromatic leaves and clusters of purple flowers during Spring.

Wormwood 'Artemisia arborescens'

Botanical Name

Artemisia absinthium

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

8 in stock


Large upright perennial shrub with aromatic silver-grey lance-shaped leaves.

Convolvulus 'sabatius'

Botanical Name

Convolvulus sabatius

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

20 in stock


Fast growing perennial with grey green foliage and a prostrate habit. Purple/blue funnel shaped flowers appear in Spring and continue through to Autumn.

Leucadendron Laxum cone bush 20cm

Botanical Name

Leucadendron Laxum conebush

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

3 in stock


A hardy evergreen, compact shrub growing between 1.5m and 1.75m. Green, needles like leaves are the backdrop to masses of small, bright yellow flowers during spring and early summer.

Correa Marians marvel

Botanical Name

Correa reflexa backhousiana Marians Marvel

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

29 in stock


An attractive small evergreen native growing to around 1.3m tall and 2-3m wide. It is drought and frost tolerant. It flowers most of the year, with beautiful tubular green and pink bell-shaped flowers.

Choisya ternata 'Mexican orange blossom'

Botanical Name

Choisya ternata

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

50 in stock


Choisya ternata, commonly known as Mexican Orange Blossom, is a popular and attractive evergreen shrub. Loved for its glossy, aromatic foliage and profusion of fragrant white flowers. The leaves are dark green, leathery, and composed of three leaflets, giving the plant an elegant and lush appearance

Native pig face 'Carpobrotus rossii'

Botanical Name

Carpobrotus rossii

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

74 in stock


Prostrate native succulent perennial with thick leaves. Beautiful purple daisy like flowers with yellow centres in the warmer seasons. Great for coastal conditions - high salt tolerance good for erosion control.

Buxus sempervirens 'Dwarf English box'

Botanical Name

Buxus sempervirens

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

200 in stock


Evergreen shrub with a tight, dense, compact form. Attractive dark green, small, oval leaves. Traditional, small to medium formal hedging plant. The most popular of the Buxus varieties.

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd

Botanical Name

Thuja occidentalis Smaragd

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

11 in stock


A popular evergreen conifer with a conical shape. It has an attractive appearance with dark green fan like flattened foliage getting up to a height of about 2m tall within 10 years. .

Box leaved privet 'Ligustrum undulatum'

Botanical Name

Ligustrum undulatum

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

20 in stock


Fast-growing, evergreen, glossy leaved shrub perfect for a compact, low hedge. Tough, long lived and quicker growing than Buxus this is also a great choice for coastal plantings and containers. Non-invasive. Grows approx. 1.5m tall x 1m wide.

Acacia cognata Mini Cog 'standard'

Botanical Name

Acacia cognata Mini Cog

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

1 in stock


compact native shrub with striking emerald green foliage. Great for container planting, rockeries, as a feature or mass planted for impact.

Pelargonium Mabel Grey

Botanical Name

Scented Geranium Mabel Grey

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

28 in stock


Mabel Grey Scented Geranium is a highly lemon scented variety. This upright grower has fan shaped leaves, pink-mauve flowers. Grows to 80cm high. Used to flavour cakes, dries for pot pouri. Hardy, shruby bushes. Tolerates frost and dry conditions, fast growing perennials grow in average garden soil, sun to part shade. Highly perfumed with unusual leaf shapes and attractive pastel toned flowers in Spring.

Leucadendron Laxum 'Conebush'

Botanical Name

Leucadendron laxum

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

30 in stock

Original price was: $7.70.Current price is: $4.99.

A hardy evergreen, compact shrub growing between 1.5m and 1.75m. Green, needles like leaves are the backdrop to masses of small, bright yellow flowers during spring and early summer. This plant is a worthwhile addition to any garden.

'Southernwood' Artemisia abrotanum

Botanical Name

Artemisia abrotanum

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

40 in stock


Large upright perennial shrub with aromatic silver-grey lance-shaped leaves. Inconspicuous yellow flowers during Summer and Autumn. Great for adding colour contrast to beds and borders. Ideal for containers. Grows approx. 1-1.5m tall x 1-1.5m wide.

Juniperus conferta 'All gold'

Botanical Name

Juniperus conferta All Gold

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

8 in stock


A dense, ground hugging conifer with a prostrate habit. Soft, needle-like aromatic golden foliage forms a dense mat and acts as weed suppressent.

Dwarf Glossy Abelia 'Abelia grandiflora Nana'

Botanical Name

Abelia grandiflora Nana

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

89 in stock

Original price was: $7.70.Current price is: $6.00.

Popular compact evergreen shrub with glossy foliage and arching branches.

Thundercloud 'Eremophila maculata' Spotted emu bush

Botanical Name

Eremophila maculata

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

9 in stock

Original price was: $8.80.Current price is: $6.00.

Dense, native shrub usually growing to between 50cm - 2.5m tall and up to 2m wide.

1 - 16 of 16 plants
Copyright 2025 Horseshoe Bend Nursery