Tufting native perennial grass with arching, glossy green strap-like foliage.
Strappy dark green leaved evergreen perennial with a clump forming habit. During spring and summer the foliage provides a perfect base to a profusion of violet-purple flowers held high on spikes.
Compact fast growing Lomandra with fine bright green foliage bearing white flower spikes during spring. Very hardy
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The Ficinia nodosa belongs to the botonical group Cyperaceae. This Evergreen has a mature height of 60cm-1m and is best positioned in Full sun, Semi Shade sun with Any soil. It is often refered to as Knobby Club Rush, Knotted Club Rush.
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The Festuca glauca belongs to the botonical group Poaceae. This Evergreen has a mature height of 15-30cm and is best positioned in Full Sun, Semi Shade sun with Clay, Loam soil. It is often refered to as Blue Fescue,.
Popular sedge from New Zealand with a weeping habit and distinctive orange and green coloured grass-like foliage. Summer flowers are brown and appear on spikes above the foliage.
Dense, tufting native perennial with blue-grey foliage. Green-purple clustered spikelets of inflorescences appear in spring and throughout summer.
Pennisetum alopecuroides, commonly known as Fountain Grass, is a perennial ornamental grass that adds grace and elegance to gardens and landscapes. It forms clumps of arching, narrow leaves. In summer, it produces cylindrical flower spikes that emerge above the foliage, resembling foxtails.
Fast growing, bulbous plant with narrow, fleshy leaves. Has large, tuberous roots and pink flowers sitting above the foliage in the summer months.
Liriope muscari Royal Purple grows to a height of 40cm and produces showy dark purple bell shaped flowers from early summer until autumn.
Hardy evergreen, glossy green strappy leaved perennial growing to approx 30cm tall. Clumps expand slowly and are not invasive.
Lomandra hystrix is a versatile and resilient perennial grass-like native plant. It features graceful, tufted growth and vibrant green, strap-like leaves.
Dianella Cherry Red has handsome strap foliage with striking cherry red leaf bases and graceful flower stems catch the eye. Deep blue flowers adding a zingy contrast in late spring and summer.
Hardy clumping semi-deciduous perennial with bluish green strap-like foliage and spectacular upright red and yellow flowers in Spring and Summer.
Evergreen tufting perennial with long blue-green leaves that sometimes are red tinged at base of stem. Delicate purple flower spikes appear in spring and sit above the foliage followed by attractive, edible glossy blue berries.
Tuft-forming perennial with steely blue narrow foliage. Flowers are inconspicous so use for foliage colour. Great groundcover, or edging plant. Can be used as an ornimental lawn, but won't take a lot of foot traffic
Evergreen tufting perennial with arching red strappy leaves and creamy-purple feathery flower heads in Spring and Summer.
Lomandra Little Pal' is a compact and hardy grass-like plant. It forms dense tufts of fine, bright green foliage and thrives in various growing conditions, from full sun to partial shade It is popular for its drought tolerance and low maintenance requirements.
Poa labillardieri is a perennial native grass that forms dense tufts of fine, narrow leaves that have a blue-green colouration. In late spring to summer, it produces delicate flower spikes that bear small, airy seed heads.
Native to New Zealand, this tall, strappy bright-green plant reaching 1m tall and forming a clump 1m across, adds accent to any garden.
A warm season, deep rooted perennial grass with a tussock-like habit.
Large strappy leaved lime green tufting native with a wide range of tolerances.
Popular, reliable tufting evergreen perennial with lush, strappy green foliage.
An evergreen clump forming rhizomatous perennial with upright, dark green strappy leaves growing fan-like rosettes.