Strappy dark green leaved evergreen perennial with a clump forming habit. During spring and summer the foliage provides a perfect base to a profusion of violet-purple flowers held high on spikes.
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The Ficinia nodosa belongs to the botonical group Cyperaceae. This Evergreen has a mature height of 60cm-1m and is best positioned in Full sun, Semi Shade sun with Any soil. It is often refered to as Knobby Club Rush, Knotted Club Rush.
Dense, tufting native perennial with blue-grey foliage. Green-purple clustered spikelets of inflorescences appear in spring and throughout summer.
Rounded, deep green leaved compact shrub with masses of lilac-white flowers in Winter and spring. Foliage has a burgundy underleaf as added interest.
Silvery-white foliaged bushy shrub growing approx 75cm high x 90 high. This native has unique branching, great for extreme coastal conditions and makes an interesting feature, planted singularly or massed.
Woody stemmed, upright, green foliaged shrub with aromatic needle-like foliage and beautiful pink flowers.
Attractive hardy perennial shrub, With soft velvet, green citrus scented foliage that is said to repel mosquitos.
Westringia fruticosa, commonly known as Coastal Rosemary, is a versatile and hardy evergreen native shrub. It is valued for its attractive foliage, low-maintenance nature, and ability to withstand coastal conditions.
Lavender Lace produces clusters of lavender blue flowers which are displayed from Spring to Summer. As the blooms age, they fade, creating a nice two toned effect on the bush. The lovely foliage is narrow and green.
Chrysocephalum apiculatum, commonly known as Yellow Buttons or Common Everlasting, is a fast growing, low spreading perennial with masses of small, yellow, button flowers on the end of tall stems from spring to late autumn.
Native mat-forming prostrate groundcover with an attractive purple violet flower.
Native, dense low matting groundcover that makes a great weed suppressant. Prostrate shrub with glossy green leaves.
A beautiful and different lavender with aromatic grey green foliage that usually gets to about 60cm tall. During the warmer months it is covered with a stunning display of fragrant deep crimson flower spikes with pale pink winged tips.
Rounded evergreen glossy leaved shrub with masses of white flowers in Summer. Great as an informal hedge or border.
Dietes grandiflora is an evergreen perennial plant native to South Africa. It is highly valued for its graceful, sword-shaped foliage and stunning flowers.
Westringia fruticosa Zena is a compact and versatile evergreen shrub native to Australia. Also known as Dwarf Coastal Rosemary or Native Rosemary, Westringia Zena is highly regarded for its attractive foliage and drought tolerance.
The profusion of long lasting waxy flowers on a spreading but dense shrub are the outstanding features of this iconic Australian plant. It is one of the world’s great cut flowers and is used extensively as a backing flower in arrangements. It makes a wonderful feature shrub or screen plant in the garden especially in areas with drier summers. The normal pink variety is more hardy than the darker colours. The foliage is aromatic when crushed. Give it a light trim after flowering.
Woody stemmed, upright, green foliaged shrub with aromatic needle-like foliage with beautiful blue flowers. Very popular for cooking and oil properties. Use for topiary and for an aromatic formal hedge. Great for courtyards and Mediterranean themed plantscapes.
Attractive tufting native plant with soft, fine, gracefully weeping lime coloured foliage. Bright yellow flower spikes appear within the foliage from spring through summer. This is a hardy, versatile, low maintenance choice for compact borders, pathway edging or the ‘icing on the cake’ in rock work in bold landscapes
A ground cover grevillea with masses of Apricot coloured flowers in Autumn.