Attractive native clumping perennial with upright long narrow silver foliage and yellow globe-like flowers that rise above foliage on skinny stems during Spring and Summer.
Native shrub with varying habits. Green upper-leaf and silvery undersides ensure interesting foliage complimented by yellow banksia flowers for much of the year.
Chrysocephalum apiculatum, commonly known as Yellow Buttons or Common Everlasting, is a fast growing, low spreading perennial with masses of small, yellow, button flowers on the end of tall stems from spring to late autumn.
Dietes grandiflora is an evergreen perennial plant native to South Africa. It is highly valued for its graceful, sword-shaped foliage and stunning flowers.
Large hardy native shrub with dense green foliage, silver new growth and beautiful creamy-yellow bottlebrush flowers throughout Spring and Summer.
A hardy evergreen, compact shrub growing between 1.5m and 1.75m. Green, needles like leaves are the backdrop to masses of small, bright yellow flowers during spring and early summer.
A medium Australian native tree. Grey coloured bark and masses of yellow flowers appear during Summer attracting bees and insects. Multi-stemmed bushy habit and shiny green heart-shaped leaves. Great for coastal gardens and to use as a shade tree. Grows approx. 8m tall x 4m wide.
A large native tree, that will bring the honey eating birds in for a visit when its flowering from late winter into Spring.
A hardy evergreen, compact shrub growing between 1.5m and 1.75m. Green, needles like leaves are the backdrop to masses of small, bright yellow flowers during spring and early summer. This plant is a worthwhile addition to any garden.
Large upright perennial shrub with aromatic silver-grey lance-shaped leaves. Inconspicuous yellow flowers during Summer and Autumn. Great for adding colour contrast to beds and borders. Ideal for containers. Grows approx. 1-1.5m tall x 1-1.5m wide.
A hardy Australian native, low shrub/groundcover It has lovely dark red, bell shaped flowers with green tips from November to February, and again in April to August. Can be grown in full sun or part shade and can handle very tough conditions. The foliage is dull green and has a leathery appearance.
A dense, ground hugging conifer with a prostrate habit. Soft, needle-like aromatic golden foliage forms a dense mat and acts as weed suppressent.
Aromatic foliaged, dense small shrub with very small green leaves and yellow Summer flower heads.
Aromatic foliaged, dense shrub with narrow, silvery woolly leaves and yellow summer flower heads.
Very hardy small to medium sized deciduous tree that will tolerate a range of soils and conditions. This Maple is planted in many Asian cities because of its tolerance to high pollution levels.
A hardy evergreen, rhizomatous perennial with upright, lime-green leaves forming a dense clump.
Also known as Betula pendula. Very popular medium sized deciduous tree with a white trunk, pendulous branching and triangular shaped green foliage. Leaves turn golden in autumn before falling. Interesting small winged cone shaped fruit are also shed in autumn adding to interest.
Attractive lemon scented foliage is soft to the touch. Leaves are golden when grown in full sun and lime green when grown in deep shade.