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Plant Selections

Pittosporum 'Silver Sheen'

Botanical Name

Pittosporum tenuifolium ‘silver sheen’

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

46 in stock


Cushion Bush Dwarf 'Leucophyta Brownii'

Botanical Name

Leucophyta brownii Nana

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

65 in stock


Silvery-white foliaged bushy shrub growing approx. 30cm high x 30 high. This native has unique branching, great for extreme coastal conditions and makes an interesting feature, planted singularly or massed.

Billy Buttons 'Pycnosorus globosus'

Botanical Name

Pycnosorus globosus

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

29 in stock


Attractive native clumping perennial with upright long narrow silver foliage and yellow globe-like flowers that rise above foliage on skinny stems during Spring and Summer.

Saltbush 'Rhagodia Spinescens'

Botanical Name

Rhagodia spinescens

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

16 in stock


Small, native shrub with silvery, grey triangular foliage.

Cushion Bush 'Leucophyta Brownii'

Botanical Name

Leucophyta brownii

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

25 in stock


Silvery-white foliaged bushy shrub growing approx 75cm high x 90 high. This native has unique branching, great for extreme coastal conditions and makes an interesting feature, planted singularly or massed.

Banksia Marginata Silver Banksia

Botanical Name

Banksia marginata

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

7 in stock


Native shrub with varying habits. Green upper-leaf and silvery undersides ensure interesting foliage complimented by yellow banksia flowers for much of the year.

Westringia fruticosa 'Wynyabbie Gem'

Botanical Name

Westringia fruticosa Wynyabbie Gem

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

60 in stock


Westringia Wynyabbie Gem is a compact and evergreen shrub native to Australia. It features narrow grey-green foliage and produces delicate mauve or purple flowers in clusters.

Banksia intergrifolia 'Coast banksia'

Botanical Name

Banksia integrifolia

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

83 in stock


Upright evergreen tree growing approx 15m tall and 3m wide making it one of the best Banksia choices for urban use and narrow sites.

Westringia fruticosa Zena

Botanical Name

Westringia fruticosa Zena

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

48 in stock


Westringia fruticosa Zena is a compact and versatile evergreen shrub native to Australia. Also known as Dwarf Coastal Rosemary or Native Rosemary, Westringia Zena is highly regarded for its attractive foliage and drought tolerance.

'Southernwood' Artemisia abrotanum

Botanical Name

Artemisia abrotanum

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

40 in stock


Large upright perennial shrub with aromatic silver-grey lance-shaped leaves. Inconspicuous yellow flowers during Summer and Autumn. Great for adding colour contrast to beds and borders. Ideal for containers. Grows approx. 1-1.5m tall x 1-1.5m wide.

Olive ‘Tolley's Upright’

Botanical Name

Olea europaea Tolleys Upright

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

1 in stock


Tolleys Upright is a form of olive that has been selected for its dense silvery foliage and minimal fruit. Ranging in size from 2-7m tall this variety is the perfect choice for a low maintenance dense hardy hedge or screen.

Woolly Bush 'Adenanthos sericeus'

Botanical Name

Adenanthos sericeus

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

43 in stock


Beautifully soft, densely foliaged native with narrow, silvery-green leaves. Small red flowers appear throughout the year, but best used for foliage value.Keep potted and use as an decorate at Christmas as an 'Aussie Christmas Tree'. Grows to approx. 5m H x 2m W.

Spiderwort 'Tradescantina Zebrina'

Botanical Name

Tradescantia zebrina

Mature Width

Mature Height

Pricing & Stock

6 in stock


Attractive fast-growing scrambling perennial with silver and green stripy foliage and purple undersides.

1 plant found
Copyright 2025 Horseshoe Bend Nursery